Talk, Listen, Cuddle (TLC) - Website re-launch
TLC is an ECC campaign that helps families of young children support their children’s communication development through playful learning at home from birth to 5. Talk, Listen and Cuddle are the three ingredients needed to ensure young children get the best start in life.
The TLC website https://www.tlc-essex.info/ and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/talklistencuddle/ have been running for many years and have an excellent following from Essex parents, early years settings and schools. The campaign has naturally evolved over this time to meet the needs of families and settings in Essex. The site will regularly post a range of ideas, top tips and games to support children’s language, physical and emotional development. Its aim is to ensure children start school ready to explore, learn and make friends.
The recognition that early language development is key to the best start in life is now of high importance nationality and TLC compliments the Governments Hungry Little Minds campaign and the Tiny Happy People initiative that has been recently launched by the BBC and backed by The Duchess of Cambridge.